We have a small herd of Riggit Galloway cattle on site, which are perfect for the land at Kingsdale Head. They are hardy, light weight and do well on otherwise difficult land, so are great at their job of browsing and grazing rough grass, heather and scrub to maintain and develop the range of habitats that we have. These processes drive a lot of the change we hope to see at Kingsdale Head.
As well as being a vital part of the restoration of Kingsdale Head the cattle produce a high quality beef product which contributes to the sustainability of the farm.
Land management at Kingsdale Head is currently supported by the Farming in Protected Landscapes grant through the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
In 2021 we experimented with the introduction of two Tamworth pigs. They were introduced for short periods of time to create some disturbance of the vegetation and facilitate recovery of a wider range habitats amongst established grassland and recovering woodland. Small areas of disturbance create opportunities and space for a wider range of seeds to germinate.
We have around 7 miles of drystone walls around our boundary. There are some great examples of drystone walls on Kingsdale head and the its a constant job to keep these maintained and stock proof.